We are a small group of people with an interest in our local mining history with the desire to safely explore and document the abandoned mines throughout the North East of England. With many years experience of underground exploration we aim to discover, photograph and produce a video record of many of the lost mines in our area.
The mines are slowly collapsing and their existence will soon be eradicated forever, we need to document and record with the aid of modern photography, the working conditions and the beauty of these deadly places that our ancestors were hewing deep into the ground beneath out feet.
Our YouTube channel is regularly updated with new content. Some of our favourite videos can be viewed below:

The Best Stope Ever?"

Having discovered an adit that was blocked just a few yards inbye, we head down towards the beck and came across something special. Join us as we take a look deep into the hill as we explore one of the best examples of a stope.

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Don't Look Down!"

This is a mine that we know fairly well as we take you on a journey deep underground to visit the impressive mine flats. Unfortunately the trip isn't for the faint hearted as we pass over several massive underground shafts.

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Journey To The End."

We always try to keep our video time down a bit, but on this occasion we really wanted to show you what is at the end of this very old mine - it does have some tight spots though so close your eyes during the squeeze!

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360 Degree Mine Viewer.

A lot more content is available on our YouTube Channel, please consider subscribing and click the 'Like' button to help support our channel.

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To enter a disused mine is extremely dangerous and my result in serious or fatal injury, recovery from an accident would place rescue persons involved in serious danger. In the event of a ground fall or collapse, recovery may be impossible. You should not enter a mine without training and experience, doing so will place you in mortal danger. Respect private property and seek permission from the respective land or business owner, always act responsibly and always inform someone else of your whereabouts. Have a call back plan and strictly adhere to it. Media presented and actions displayed by MineExploration.com and/or DeepMining.co.uk are provided for entertainment purposes only, in no way should the viewer/consumer copy our actions.

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